MAZARS ROMANIA will evaluate the papers presented by the students during the Scientific Session “THE ABC OF THE FINANCIAL WORLD”, organized by the Faculty of Finance and Banking, based on the following criteria:
- How the papers are written: it will be evaluated both in terms of form and content (accuracy, structure, impact);
- The novelty and relevance of the research topic;
- Presentation: communication skills, argumentation, critical thinking, speaking in front of an audience;
- Ability to correctly assess the usefulness and impact of theoretical concepts in the current business environment;
- Ability to emphasize the importance of the research and its added value.
Awards, that will be decided by MAZARS ROMANIA, are:
- I prize: paid Internship (3 months) or individual employment contract, based on the winner decision + 1000 lei
- II nd prize :paid Internship (1 month).