Organizing committee |
- Professor Georgiana Camelia GEORGESCU, Ph.D.
- Professor Iustina Alina BOITAN, Ph.D.
- Professor Radu CIOBANU, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor Ionela COSTICĂ, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor Mihaela IACOB, Ph.D.
- Professor Andreea-Maria STOIAN, Ph.D.
- Professor Victor DRAGOTĂ, Ph.D.
- Professor Dan Costin NIŢESCU, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor Cosmin Octavian CEPOI, Ph.D.
- Research Assistant Catalina-Ioana TOADER, Ph.D. Students
- Secretary Elena TENE
- Secretary Alice TRIFU
- Students
Scientific committee |
- The coordinators of the students’ research papers