(XVII edition)
March 28 - 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania
INFER supported event
Organized by:
from Bucharest University of Economic Studies
in collaboration with
Romanian Association of Banks
European Banking Institute (EBI)
Romanian Association of Finance and Banking – RoFIBA
(Asociatia Romana de Finante-Banci – RoFIBA)
Finance Doctoral School
Center of Financial and Monetary Research (CEFIMO)
(Centrul de Cercetari Financiar-Monetare CEFIMO)
Best Paper Award of Ph.D. Students
at the XVII edition of
International Finance and Banking Conference FI BA 2019
The Romanian Association of Banks rewards the best three scientific papers of Ph.D. students presented at the International Finance and Banking Conference FI BA 2019. This is intended to provide motivation and recognition to promising young researchers.
The award is 3000 RON/paper and will be announced at the awarding ceremony during the International Finance and Banking Conference FI BA 2019 in Bucharest, March 28 - 29, 2019. The candidate(s) must be registered for the FI BA 2019 conference at the time of submission of the paper. He/she (or they) cannot hold a Ph.D. at the time of submission of the paper. Papers can only be authored by one or more Ph.D. students; those co-authored with other faculty members are not eligible.
The Award Committee evaluates submitted papers of Ph.D. students and selects the best three papers.
Applicants for the award must indicate his/her (or their) intention when he/she (or they) submit the paper by February 19, 2019, to fiba@fin.ase.ro
Best Paper Award to
Uncovering the dynamic relationship between credit and economic growth in Romania
Matei KUBINSCHI, PhD. Student – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Alina ZAHARIA, PhD. Student – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Negative interest rates, bank profitability and risk-taking
Whelsy BOUNGOU, PhD. Student – LAREFI, Department of Economics, University of Bordeaux, France
Increasing pro?tability through contingent convertible capital. Empirical evidence from European banks
Research associate Matthias PETRAS, PhD. Student – Department of Bank Management, University of Cologne, Germany
PHOTO FI BA 2019...
We are honoured to announce the conference keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Juana Pulgar Ezquerra (Complutense University of Madrid)
Juana Pulgar Ezquerra is Professor of Corporate Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, Director of the Commercial Law Department at the Faculty of Law, and member of academies and research institutions (Academic Board of European Banking Institute, Spanish Royal Academy for Law and Jurisprudence, Insol International Academic Group, Conference of European Restructuring and Insolvency Law (CERIL)). Also, she is Director of the Spanish Insolvency Journal, member of the Editorial Board Spanish Corporate Journal, and peer reviewer for Revista para el Análisis del Derecho InDret, and Spanish Corporate Law Journal.
Professor Juana Pulgar Ezquerra published highly academic books, studies, and papers focused on investment trust, judicial insolvency, corporate restructuring, debt refinancing, bankruptcy, restructuring of the financial system
(i.e. https://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/271-2017-01-09-CV%20amplio%20ingle_s.pdf).
Prof. Dr. Jaap Spronk (University of Curacao, Emeritus Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Erasmus School of Economics (NEH) & Rotterdam School of Management (RSM))
Jaap Spronk is Academic Dean MBA Programmes and Professor of Financial Management Science at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He serves as managing or associate editor at prestigious journals (Springer Series in Financial Modelling, Revue Belge de Statistique, d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle, Journal of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis). Also, he is member in advisory board of the Merrill Lynch Center for the Study of International Financial Services and Markets, New York, and of the Center for Banking and Financial Research, Cyprus.
Professor Jaap Spronk published numerous highly professional and scholarly publications highlighting the investor behavior, socially responsible investments, optimal capital structure, economic crisis, corporate governance (i.e. https://www.rsm.nl/people/jaap-spronk/).

The organizing committee of the FI BA 2019 conference has the pleasure to announce a joint panel between Bucharest University of Economic Studies and European Banking Institute.
Soon we will return with new details. |