(XIII edition)
March 26-27, 2015, Bucharest, Romania
INFER supported event
Organized by:
from Bucharest University of Economic Studies
in collaboration with
Romanian Association of Finance and Banking – RoFIBA
(Asociatia Romana de Finante-Banci – RoFIBA)
Center of Financial and Monetary Research (CEFIMO)
(Centrul de Cercetari Financiar-Monetare CEFIMO)

The papers accepted and presented at the International Finance and Banking Conference FI BA 2015 have been published have been published in the supplement of the international review Theoretical and Applied Economics (ISSN 1844-0029(online edition)) .
The articles can be found at http://www.ectap.ro/supliment/international-finance-and-banking-conference-fi-ba-2015-xiiith-edition/23/
Some papers will be published in Review of Finance and Banking ( http://rfb.ase.ro /).
We are honoured to announce the conference keynote speakers:
Professor Ansgar BELKE, PhD. (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Full Professor of Macroeconomics and Director of the Institute of Business and Economic Studies (IBES) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Since 2012 he is (ad personam) Jean Monnet Professor. Moreover, he is member of the Adjunct Faculty Ruhr Graduate School in Economics (RGS Econ) and visiting professor at the Euro-pa-Institute at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, and the Hertie School of Govern-ance, Berlin. Formerly, he held Full Professorships for International Economics at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim and for Macroeconomics and Applied Econometrics at the Main University of Vienna and was a member of the Adjunct Faculty Stuttgart Insti-tute of Management and Technology (SIMT).
He is President of the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS), member of the "Monetary Experts Panel" of the European Parliament, the Scientific Advisory Council of the IAW, Tübingen, the Committees for Economic Policy and Interna-tional Economics of the German Economic Association and the Councils of "Ar-beitskreis Europäische Integration" (AEI) and "Institut für Europäische Politik" (IEP).
He is also Research Fellow of IZA Bonn, Associate Fellow of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, member of the professional central bank watchers group "ECB Observer", member of the Bureau of European Policy Analy sis (BEPA) Visitors Programme of the European Commission, external consultant of DG ECFIN of the European Commission, external consultant of the European Union Committee of the House of Lords (UK) and he successfully conducted research projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministries of Finance and of Labour and Social Affairs.
Professor Erich KIRCHLER, Ph.D. (University of Vienna)
Erich Kirchler is Professor of Economic Psychology at the University of Vienna, Austria and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic Psychology and President of Division 9 (Economic Psychology) of IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology). He obtained his PhD (1973) from the University of Vienna and his Habilitation (1989) from the University of Linz, Austria. His first academic position was at the University of Linz. He moved to the University of Vienna in 1992.
The major research interest is in household financial decision making and tax behaviour and publications include “The Economic Psychology of Tax Behaviour” (Cambridge University Press, 2007), Conflict and Decision Making in the Private Household ( together with Christa Rodler, Erik Hoelzl, Katja Meier; Psychology Press, 2001), Wirtschaftspsychologie (Hogrefe, 4 th edition 2011) and articles in “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology”, “Journal of Applied Psychology”, “Applied Psychology: An International Review”, “Journal of Economic Psychology”, and numerous articles in International journals on economic and applied psychology. He is an Advisor at the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) was president of the International Associations for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP) and the Austrian Psychological Society (ÖGPs). Detailed information is available at http://homepage.univie.ac.at/erich.kirchler/ . |
Associate professor Alberto BAGNAI ( Gabriele d'Annunzio University )
Alberto Bagnai (www.bagnai.org) is associate professor of economic policy at the Department of Economics of the Gabriele D'Annunzio University in Pescara (Italy), visiting fellow of the Centre for Globalization Research at the Queen Mary University of London, chercheur associé at the Centre de recherche en économie appliquée à la mondialisation (University of Rouen, France), and board member of the International Network for Economic Research. His research activity has developed in two fields: the sustainability of fiscal |
and external imbalances (especially in the Eurozone peripheral countries), and the relation between trade and economic growth. The results have been published in a number of scientific journals ( Open Economies Reviews , Applied Economics , Economic Modelling , China Economic Review , Journal of Post Keynesian Economics ,…). Besides his research activity, he takes actively part in the media debate. His book on The decline of the euro , published in 2012, has been a bestseller in economics in Italy, setting the frame of the debate on the single currency. His blog goofynomics.blogspot.it is the most attended blog in economics in Italy. In 2013 Alberto has established the Italian Association for the Study of Economic Asymmetries (www.asimmetrie.org), that promotes the organization of important scientific events (such as the 16 th annual conference of INFER), as well as the research on the theme of economic asymmetries both in the Eurozone and at large. |
Assistent professor Rui Henrique ALVES , Ph.D. ( University of Porto)
Rui Henrique Alves is currently the Coordinator of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union. He is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics - University of Porto (FEP). He holds a PhD in Economics, in the field of European Economics.
He is the author of books and papers in the areas of European Economics, Public Finance and Macroeconomics, his major fields of interest, together with Financial Markets. He is Researcher of the CEF.UP (Centro de Economia e Finanças da Universidade do Porto) and founding Member of NIFIP (Núcleo de Investigação em Finanças Públicas e Política Monetária - FEP) and OBEGEF (Observatório de Economia e Gestão de Fraude).
He has been Member of the Executive Board of FEP, Adviser to the Portuguese Stock Exchange, President of the Municipal Assembly of Arcos de Valdevez and Member of the Regional Tourism Authority of Porto and North of Portugal.